Care-giving is a theme within my practice. For this series I chose ‘platters’ to explore nourishing others or one’s self. (Scroll down for exhibition view.)


Host (2020), earthenware with tin white glaze detail, 28 x 64cm

Host - detail


Poke (2020), earthenware with wax and black ink, 28 x 65cm

Poke - detail

Compromised (2020), earthenware and cotton bandage, 28 x 56cm

Compromised (2020) detail

Carapace (2021), earthenware with black ink, 28 x 62cm

 Carapace (2021) detail

Pieta (2020), earthenware with white slip, 28 x 62cm

Pieta - detail


Fierce Hope (2020), earthenware, white slip and clear green glaze, 28 x 56 cm

Fierce Hope - detail

Performance (2020), earthenware with white slip and honey glaze, 30 x 58cm

 Performance (2020) detail

Cupcakes (2020), earthenware with white and green slips, clear glaze, 28 x 64cm

Cupcakes (2020) detail


Shall I be Mother ?

