Victoria Gallery and Museum, Liverpool University 2012/2013
“This was an extraordinary time. I thought I was going to make work to connect two of the University’s collections - scientific and decorative arts - as per my initial proposal to the senior curator, Matthew Clough… but it didn’t turn out like that.
I suppose it was inevitable as we, my family, were facing the decline of my father at the time. I ended up focussing on the (dry and wet) fauna collections instead. They was so utterly dead and wiped of any sense of the original animal and I was spending time underground with them and time with my father up until the point at which he died. It turned into a project about what I thought about death and ‘my nearest and dearest’.
The resulting prints and installation were shown in a gallery space on site for a year, supported by a grant from the Arts Council of England.”
For documentation and a review of the show see Semi-Permanent Collections on the Exhibitions pages.