Köln 2018
“The purpose of this visit was to reconnect with Jutta Vollmer… I met Jutta and Andreas (Vietz) at Liverpool’s John Moores Uni through an artist-led European networking initiative connecting print-based learning programmes / artists called EightDaysAWeek.
Jutta and I began working collaboratively a couple of years later, paired for PenPal (2011/2012). Something about the partnership rang true and the resulting work was intriguing. Thanks to funding from a-n The Artists Information Company we had the opportunity to draw together in her fabulous print workshop (Kölner Graffikwerkstatt) testing collaboration techniques and the nature of ‘decorative’ over the course of five days.
We went on to exchange drawings thoughout 2019, daily on What’sApp. That’s 700 drawings! It was incredibly rewarding in ways I wasn’t anticipating at all.”